~ Rachel Michelle ~
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Camtica 4.3.2267
Sunday, 9 January 2011
I'm going to FIJI!!!!!

After reviewing your application we feel that you would make a valuable contribution to the VESA program and are looking forward to having you on board this summer as we travel to Ecuador, Africa and the Fijian Islands.....'
Fiji Islands Discovered No. 6:
July 23rd through to August 7th 2011...'
I will be posting more about this and my fundraising in weeks/months to come but for now, this is it! ..Thanks for reading!
Two Thousand & Eleven...
Long time no blog! ...pretty much for the same reasons as when I last posted! ..no internet of my own, busy with uni, busy with work blah blah blah and all that!
I do hope to start posting more in the weeks to come. Right now I think I can only commit to once a week, like now ..as I am at work & I get plenty of free time at such times like 2:30 in the morning! *yawns!* =/
Anyway.. I hope everyone had a smashing christmas & a fabulous new year! My christmas was ok, however it could have been better..
My dad was taken in to hospital on Dec 22nd & didn't come out untill Jan 1st so apart from visting family at my mums house on boxing day, I cancelled all my other christmassy 'do's' I had planned so that i could visit my dad in hospital every day. He's out now & he's fine & things are back to normal, so onto more positive things...
- on Dec 31st I got the e-mail I had been waiting for.. confirmation of my volunteering trip to Fiji - I will do a separate post on this as I could talk for days about it!! ..SO excited =D
- I joined my local Slimming World group in October last year (20th to be precise) and as of my last weigh in on Wednesday 5th January, I have lost a whopping 2 stone & half a pound!! I am over the moon at how focussed I am.. it has given me Ooodles of confidence! - I shall be doing another separate post on this too! so stay tuned for weight loss tips!
thats it for now, seen as though I am at work.. its about time I did a little!
Thanks for reading
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Long Time No Blog!!
1, The main reason is that my computer broke almost 2 months ago and have not been able to replace it yet! Hopefully I will recieve my new one next week!! *fingers and toes crossed*
2, I completed my Access To Higher Education course at college back in July and was in desperate need of a break from the internet for a little while just give myself a chance to relax over the summer. It had got to the point where I was logging on almost every day.. which can't be good right?! It was starting to get in the way of of things.. but when my computer broke... I had no choice!!
3, I started University on 20th September and things have been super hectic since!! I am studying for a degree in Psychology with Criminology and my timetable is pretty full! I haven't yet given up work, for two reasons really...1, I haven't re-applied for my student finance as of yet (long story + lots of hassle = ugh!!) and 2, I have never been unemployed! I have worked since the age of 13 and the thought of not having a regular (decent) wage scares the hell out of me!! I'm too used to my home comforts and not yet ready nor willing to give that up!
So, as soon as I get my new computer up and running and the internet sorted (and done my uni work of course!!) I should be back to normal(ish!) :)
See you all then!
P.S - please excuse my current blog layout/look etc - I am currently in the process of re-doing it all. :)
Monday, 3 May 2010
- Absolutely l♥ve it, It has to be one of (if not) the best pink nail colours I have... & I have quite a few!!
- I wore it for nearly two weeks with barely a chip in sight when I came to clean it off. I applied 2 layers as I do with all colours, although the colour was just as clear with 1.
- I like this colour a lot! ..however I needed to apply a whopping 4 layers!! to get the exact colour as it appeared in the bottle. A down point to that many layers was that it chipped if I even looked at it, never mind touched anything! :(
- I still really like it though as I am a big fan of Blue nail polishes.

Sunday, 18 April 2010
Lush from the US!

Monday, 5 April 2010
Hi, My Name Is Rachel..
I found this on someones blog. You can use it too if you want.